Lovely kid in dental chair with dentist satisfied after repairing teeth
When you’d like to raise a family that is healthy and thriving, you can’t overlook dental health. Quality dental health begins by first teaching your kids the proper way to brush. Rather than making it a clinical chore, you will find more success when you add some fun and excitement to it.
But how can you add some fun to it? We’re glad you asked.
Here are some dental care tips that will help your kids develop the best habits.
Oral health is important for so many reasons. Not only does it dictate the way your child’s smile looks, but infected teeth and gums are also incredibly painful. Improving dental health builds positive self-esteem and self-image.
About 13% of adolescents have a decayed tooth that hasn’t been treated. Decay and infection are largely preventable when quality habits are instilled.
If you’d like to help your children improve their dental health, start with these tips:
Kids will stick to things when you build positive habits early in their lives. This way, brushing will become second nature to them, rather than a chore that they feel burdened to take part in.
As a rule of thumb, you should begin brushing your child’s teeth as soon as their very first one begins sprouting. Prior to this, you can take care of their oral health by wiping their gums down with a clean washcloth or rag.
When they’re used to teeth brushing time their entire lives, it won’t be such a huge transition.
Finding a qualified pediatric dentist will help your child get professional service that will form great habits. While your child’s dentist will offer expertise, they provide peace of mind more than anything.
Set out on a mission for finding a dentist that is highly educated, qualified, and with a background that shows their mettle and knowledge. Schedule an appointment to meet with them and find out more about their work, and also get a feel for their personality.
Bring your child with you to see how the dentist interacts with them, and how your child takes to the dentist. When it’s a great match, your child will look forward to these visits and will be inspired to take care of their dental health.
It’s scientifically proven that music helps us learn. When you throw songs into the mix, it will activate different parts of your child’s brain, while also helping them make important associations.
Your child will find brushing time more fun, and you can even use lyrics that go through the steps and techniques for proper oral health care. Even if you’re not exactly musically inclined, you can borrow the melody of some tried and true favorites to get the same results.
You won’t have to twist your child’s arm to brush when you buy toothpaste that tastes good. Oral healthcare companies have caught on, and are starting to come out with flavors that kids love.
Read the ingredient label to choose a product that has the best active ingredients, and make sure that it’s approved by the American Dental Association (ADA).
While you’re at it, change your child’s toothbrush regularly, and give them full say over the new ones that they pick out when you go to the store.
Regardless of what techniques you use to get your child to buy in, they will ultimately follow your lead. Get them involved by making brushing something that you do together.
If they see you prioritizing your own oral health, they will get the message and will ultimately prioritize it in their own lives. Your kids take note and watch more than you’ll ever know, so always do your best to provide a shining example.
Repetition will deepen the impression of everything you’re trying to teach your kids. When you stay consistent with their oral healthcare, brushing ultimately becomes another part of their routine.
Before you know it, they’ll start reminding or asking you about brushing time.
Your babies are your babies, but always remember that the main point is to make them independent. At each stage, your child will become increasingly fascinated with becoming a “big kid,” and thus, will crave independence.
Encourage them to brush on their own once they’ve gotten the technique down, and praise them for their growth whenever they remember and do a good job of it. Wean them off your participation little by little. For instance, you can remind and send them off to brush their teeth on their own, and have them report back and show you their teeth for an inspection once they’re finished.
Once they’ve gotten that down, it’ll be first on the growing list of hygiene and chores they’re able to perform on their own.
These tips will help your child embrace their dental care in a way that is fun and exciting. Follow these points so that you can help your child improve their smile to the fullest.
Let Westport Dental help you and your child build oral health habits that will change your lives for the better. Reach out to us today using our contact form, or give us a call at (314)434-7300.
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